High Protein Foods >> Vegetables >> Spinach - Cooked Spinach

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Spinach souffle, home-prepared
100g 8.02 g 161.00 32.09 19.9%
1 cup 10.91 g 218.96 43.65 19.9%
1 recipe yield 65.23 g 1,308.93 260.91 19.9%
Spinach, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
100g 2.97 g 23.00 11.88 51.7%
1 cup 5.35 g 41.40 21.38 51.7%
Spinach, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
100g 2.97 g 23.00 11.88 51.7%
1 cup 5.35 g 41.40 21.38 51.7%