High Protein Foods >> Vegetables >> Brussel sprouts - Cooked Brussel sprouts

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Brussels sprouts, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
1 sprout 0.54 g 8.61 2.14 24.9%
0.5 cup 1.99 g 31.98 7.96 24.9%
100g 2.55 g 41.00 10.20 24.9%
Brussels sprouts, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
1 sprout 0.54 g 7.56 2.14 28.3%
0.5 cup 1.99 g 28.08 7.96 28.3%
100g 2.55 g 36.00 10.20 28.3%