High Protein Foods >> Sweets >> Frozen Juice Novelties

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Frozen juice novelites, juice with cream
100g 1.41 g 105.00 5.64 5.4%
Frozen juice novelties, fruit and juice bars
1 bar (2.5 fl oz) 0.92 g 63.14 3.67 5.8%
1 bar (3 fl oz) 1.10 g 75.44 4.39 5.8%
100g 1.19 g 82.00 4.77 5.8%
Frozen juice novelties, orange
1 fl oz 0.15 g 27.42 0.58 2.1%
1 bar 0.36 g 68.08 1.45 2.1%
100g 0.49 g 92.00 1.96 2.1%