High Protein Foods >> Sweets >> Confectioner's Coatings

Number of displayed food(s) - 4

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Candies, confectioner's coating, butterscotch
1 oz 0.62 g 152.81 2.49 1.6%
100g 2.20 g 539.00 8.80 1.6%
1 cup chips 3.74 g 916.30 14.96 1.6%
Candies, confectioner's coating, peanut butter
1 oz 5.19 g 150.26 20.75 13.8%
100g 18.30 g 530.00 73.20 13.8%
1 cup chips 30.74 g 890.40 122.98 13.8%
Candies, confectioner's coating, white
1 bar (3 oz) 4.90 g 458.15 19.58 4.3%
100g 5.76 g 539.00 23.04 4.3%
1 cup chips 9.79 g 916.30 39.17 4.3%
Candies, confectioner's coating, yogurt
100g 5.87 g 522.00 23.47 4.5%