High Protein Foods >> Soups >> Vegetarian Vegetable Soup

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Soup, vegetarian vegetable, canned, condensed, commercial
100g 1.72 g 59.00 6.88 11.7%
1 cup 4.23 g 145.14 16.92 11.7%
1 can (10.5 oz) 5.13 g 175.82 20.50 11.7%
Soup, vegetarian vegetable, canned, prepared with equal volume water, commercial
100g 0.87 g 30.00 3.48 11.6%
1 cup 2.10 g 72.30 8.39 11.6%
1 can (10.5 oz), prepared 5.10 g 175.80 20.39 11.6%