High Protein Foods >> Fruit >> Fruit Cocktail

Number of displayed food(s) - 7

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, extra heavy syrup, solids and liquids
100g 0.38 g 88.00 1.54 1.7%
0.5 cup 0.50 g 114.40 2.00 1.7%
1 cup 1.00 g 228.80 3.99 1.7%
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, extra light syrup, solids and liquids
100g 0.40 g 45.00 1.60 3.6%
0.5 cup 0.49 g 55.35 1.97 3.6%
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, heavy syrup, solids and liquids
100g 0.39 g 73.00 1.54 2.1%
1 cup 0.96 g 181.04 3.83 2.1%
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, juice pack, solids and liquids
100g 0.46 g 46.00 1.84 4.0%
1 cup 1.09 g 109.02 4.36 4.0%
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, light syrup, solids and liquids
100g 0.39 g 57.00 1.57 2.8%
1 cup 0.95 g 137.94 3.81 2.8%
Fruit cocktail, (peach and pineapple and pear and grape and cherry), canned, water pack, solids and liquids
100g 0.42 g 32.00 1.67 5.2%
1 cup 0.99 g 75.84 3.96 5.2%
Fruit cocktail, canned, heavy syrup, drained
100g 0.46 g 70.00 1.85 2.6%
1 cup 0.99 g 149.80 3.96 2.6%