High Protein Foods >> Fats and Oils >> Salad Dressing - Caesar

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Salad dressing, caesar dressing, regular
1 tbsp 0.17 g 77.62 0.69 0.9%
100g 1.18 g 528.00 4.73 0.9%
1 cup 2.78 g 1,240.80 11.11 0.9%
Salad dressing, caesar, low calorie
1 tbsp 0.04 g 16.50 0.17 1.0%
100g 0.29 g 110.00 1.15 1.0%
1 cup 0.69 g 264.00 2.76 1.0%