High Protein Foods >> Cookies >> Butter Cookies

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Cookies, butter, commercially prepared, enriched
1 cookie 0.30 g 23.35 1.22 5.2%
1 oz 1.73 g 132.39 6.92 5.2%
100g 6.10 g 467.00 24.40 5.2%
Cookies, butter, commercially prepared, unenriched
1 cookie 0.30 g 23.35 1.22 5.2%
1 oz 1.73 g 132.39 6.92 5.2%
100g 6.10 g 467.00 24.40 5.2%