High Protein Foods >> Cakes >> Snack Cakes

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Cake, snack cakes, creme-filled, chocolate with frosting
1 oz 0.95 g 106.60 3.79 3.6%
1 cupcake 1.67 g 188.00 6.69 3.6%
100g 3.35 g 376.00 13.38 3.6%
Cake, snack cakes, creme-filled, sponge
1 oz 0.87 g 103.19 3.47 3.4%
1 cake 1.31 g 156.52 5.26 3.4%
100g 3.06 g 364.00 12.23 3.4%
Cake, snack cakes, cupcakes, chocolate, with frosting, low-fat
1 oz 1.22 g 86.47 4.88 5.6%
1 cupcake 1.85 g 131.15 7.40 5.6%
100g 4.30 g 305.00 17.20 5.6%